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Space Market Research


Space Launch

Space Launch


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Space Communications and Tracking 

Project Examples

1-Precision Optical Systems-Commercial Space, Satellites


High-precision space optics (mirrors, mounts, metering structures) supplier for imagery, remote sensing. Seeking business growth beyond traditional large spacecraft, satellite platforms with focus on smallsats, smaller spacecraft promising higher performance, affordability, faster deployment. Project identified key opportunities, current solutions, emerging technologies, detailed estimates market potential by segment, key competitor strategies. In-depth research feedback from US and overseas experts (commercial, civil, military programs) was critical to supporting key assumptions, recommendations.

2-Satellite Communications-Government, Commercial Markets


Satellite communications company, teleports, terrestrial-interconnect serving DoD, NATO, MoDs, civil government, integrators. Recent growth from acquisitions, new initiatives impacted organization, account coverage shifts. Company determined need for independent research to assess customer satisfaction, areas for improvement, competitiveness, new products. In-depth research conducted carefully with multiple key decision makers, different customer levels secured representative views from customer base. This customized research provided an informed, objective roadmap enabling company to identify critical future initiatives.

3-Precision Energetics, Explosives, Commercial, Govt. Satellite, Spacecraft


Leading energetic solution supplier for satellite, spacecraft, payload, fairing separation; release, actuation, flight termination needed independent market research aligned to its unique capabilities laying out its future business roadmap in these areas. Commercial, civil, military programs were at various planning stages. Assignment calculated addressable, available potential for over 50 identified space programs, sales estimates for its component solutions, spares, five-year projections. Calculations were based heavily from direct research input with program managers, component engineers, space scientists, engineering leads, probing current, changing needs, other insights. Project formed central core of company's 5 year R&D, markets, sales planning.

4-Hyper-Local Weather-Space Launch Systems


Rocket launching requires precise, hyper local (specific pad-area location) weather forecasting, increasingly disrupted by unexpected, rapidly-changing weather. Company with unique sensor radar solutions, seeking to assess potential opportunities in this market, required custom assessment of market potential. This assignment analyzed current problems, future concerns due to climate impacts, existing suppliers, new technologies, key challenges, potential sales channels. Key conclusions were heavily based on detailed feedback from multiple meteorological experts (integrators, space scientists, weather radar providers) who viewed company's preliminary system, providing detailed recommendation market entry, growth strategies

Accelerating Client Growth-Delivering Consistent Value

"On behalf of Rockwell Collins Government Systems, thank you and your staff for work you recently completed on the European Defense Communications Market. You continuously performed in a professional manner while conducting the primary and secondary research, data and analysis and development of strategic implications.

We understand the importance of factual market data that enables sound business decisions. Your efforts allowed us to develop a five-year plan to address this. I'm especially appreciative of your willingness to adjust scope as required after senior management reviews. Your flexibility and ability to interface with the in country decision-makers made this project a success. Again, thank you for all your efforts in bringing this complex project to fruition." Strategic Development Manager, Rockwell Collins

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