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Energy Market Research

Transportation Energy Custom Market Research-Project Example

Energy solutions: on-road vehicles, passenger, commercial heavy vehicles, aircraft, rail, marine vessels, mass transit. Fuels: Natural Gas Vehicles (CNG, LNG), electric drives, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), biofuels (ethanol, biodiesel, biogas). Hydrogen fuel cells, battery electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEV), solar vehicles (on road, aircraft)

LNG Vehicle Fueling Infrastructure-Mobile Power Supply 

Project Scope: A supplier of integrated power solutions (engines, generators, compressors) was seeking to expand its business in the growing alternate fuel transport station market.Growth in production of domestic oil and gas from unconventional sources was driving significantly lower prices for natural gas, and in turn increasing the number of heavy-duty LNG vehicle fleets deployed for heavy haul transport. This was creating a market for fast refuel transport stations which was directly in the interest of this company.


A highly dynamic market, the company was considering significant investments in LNG Vehicle Fueling Infrastructure power systems and required a current assessment of this potential new business opportunity tailored specifically to its  solutions.

ExecutionThis assignment assembled latest information on this market landscape based on currently published data as well as in-house information. It addressed current industry solutions, other direct competitors moving into this area, changing requirements, statistics on heavy-haul transport LNG fleet adoption, power requirements for various sizes of LNG fueling stations, future opportunities for upgrading of older stations to increase capacity, market size and expected growth by segment, and other key topics of interest.


Direct research was also conducted with key decision-makers and industry experts associated with major LNG refuel station operators (Chart LNG, Clean Energy Fuels, Enbridge Gas, and others) as well as major companies with long-haul fleets (UPS, FedEx, others) to understand their current views on this market opportunity, existing and future plans, and gather insights and suggestions for this company to be successful in meeting the needs of users.


Result: this company now had an up-to-date, comprehensive understanding of this potential new business opportunity in a highly dynamic market.

It was also able to answer a number of key questions which had posed significant challenges in prior internal planning, make decisions on product design and related features, and map out it's sales and marketing strategy over the next three years.

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